Saturday, June 13, 2009

Swimming Lessons

Kids are so unpredictable. I signed Brykn up for swimming lessons and he was so excited--until he put one foot in the water. Then, he cried the entire time! The teacher was trying so hard to get him invovled in what the other kids were doing, but all he could say (through sobs) was, "I don't want to be splashed!" Seriously? It's swimming lessons--with water, and kids. Geez!

I only got one picture when he wasn't crying. I sure hope swimming lessons get better!


My Life Changing Journey said...

All he really wants to learn is how to go down the big slide, by his self! No problem Mom!

Niki said...

That'll be a fun story when he's older and you can't get him to get out of the pool! Apparently I haven't read your blog for a while...I had to laugh out loud over the "Wait...where's the dang latter!", that's hilarious!

Leisha said... will get better...and it's totally worth it!!