Saturday, June 13, 2009

Medal of Honor

Last year Mom and I discovered the Springville 5k--it is a ton of fun! The race is part of the City's celebration and they have some really killer sponsors. Between Wal-Mart and Nestle, the race bags were awesome and the prize drawings they do after the race are really cool too. To be entered in the drawings you have to be entered in the run--so I entered all three of us, and Mom entered Dad, TJ, Sami, Jeannie, Kelli, Tate and the twins. Because the race is longer than what Brykn could walk/run, I took the wagon and Dad pulled him the whole way! Brykn didn't walk a single step. I have to admit that I was a little nervous because the first stretch of the race is 100% uphill--steep. I wasn't nervous about Brykn, but scared to death Dad was going to have a heart attack on the hill. Eeek!

In the end, Dad did fine. They were the VERY LAST finishers, but they both had a great time. The best part was when the participation medals were awarded to kids under 6. They read Brykn's name and we went running to get his medal. When he gathered his up, he asked the lady, "Where's my Grandpa's?" She gave him another medal for Dad. I thought it was sweet Brykn was worried Grandpa wasn't going to get a medal--and, I think Dad was touched.

In the end the only one of us that won a dang thing was Brandon. He won a cool outdoor canopy. Fun times!

1 comment:

My Life Changing Journey said...

What a great time, the best part was most of my group was sore the next day, but not me. Your Dad is already talking about next year and TJ wants to get some running shoes and start running. LOL....
Who would have ever thought this clan would get a kick out of a 5K. Hooray for my bucket list and a a little coaxing for everyone to join the fun.