Friday, May 14, 2010

The Future of Questar...

Brykn looks up to Brandon SO much! If Dad does, Brykn does it--and that includes working at Questar. Brykn doesn't think there's another job better than one at Questar. (I finally told him that he needed to be really smart to work at Questar just so he would pay better attention in pre-school. I know, I know. That's cheating, I know!)

One morning Brykn got up and was pretending (he's WAY into pretend) that he was going to work. He asked me to get out the ironing board and iron. When I asked why, he said, "So I can iron my pants to work at Questar." Like I said, he looks up to Brandon. :)

So, out came the ironing board. Later that day Brandon brought the work truck home. He told Brykn that as soon as the out fit in this picture fit him, he could work at Questar. His response was a very dismayed, "Wow, that's going to be a long time..."

1 comment:

My Life Changing Journey said...

Look out Questar!! here comes you future and with Brykn Michael Burnett in the lead. Hey I think we should teach him to want to be the CEO!!!

Way cute picture, Mr. Questar... Some how he look much cuter in the outfit than Brandon does...