Monday, August 11, 2008


We spent this past weekend visiting some friends in big, wonderful Wyoming. On the way there I really thought we had drove at least 30 miles past nowhere. Actually, we were about 35 miles past Lander. Everyone owns a lot of property, so the houses are really wide spread and it's about as rural as rural gets. I kept telling Brandon that I thought I grew up in a small town, but from the looks of this place, I didn't know what rural was! Gus and Cassie and their kids, Taylor and KC, were so excited to see us. I think they just wanted to see a familiar face--I sure would if we lived there!

The kids just ran wild while we were there and Brykn seemed to have the time of his life. They have a very unique pet--a racoon named Rascal. Brykn and Rascal hit it off right away. Brykn liked to hold him and Rascal like to eat whatever Brykn was holding, so the arrangement worked out well! Rascal found his home at Gus and Cassie's after his mother was hit by a car leaving him and 4 other babies orphans. Cassie told me that she fed him milk from a Visine bottle because he was so small. Now, Rascal is just like another child. He goes just about anywhere with the kids and even has a leash!


Anonymous said...

Oh boy, soon you'll have a dog and a raccoon! You're on your way to a petting zoo. You could start charging! Bonus!

Leisha said...

I am sure the raccoon is nice, but I'll admit...even the pictures make me a little afraid!