Sunday, February 1, 2009

On Safari

Mom left on her Safari and she finally got a picture of an elephant! Kelli and I decided that we didn't care if she had to go to a zoo to get a picture of an elephant because Tate and Brykn haven't quit talking about them! It sure looks like the safari is a blast!
From Mom: Well, it's day 5 and I am off on safari. I slept better last night, but I can hardly move this morning. My feet, legs, and hips hurt so bad. Lots of hugs.
From Mom: First day of safari was great, but tell Brykn those elephants are too big to rope! I am at the Farmhouse now & what a beautiful place. Doing good, except my legs and feet are in bad shape from climbing Kili. Happy Birtyday, Mom, love ya.
From Tiffany: I bet! Brykn luvs the elephant pic. I am glad the Farmhouse is nice. If you can, get on your blog. So many people are following your journey. Wish I was there. Luv you!
From Kristina: Hopefully you packed some good meds! Or, could you even take asprin into another country? Sounds like you planned a way fun trip! Stay safe, Love Kristina.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Hey Tiffany
this is Jennifer Cowdell I saw your blog on Kelly's I hope you dont mind. What a cute family. I think the last time I saw you was at Kim birthday party last summer