Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Crashed the Car!

I crashed the car. Yes, it's true. I crashed it and crashed it good. I'm bummed I didn't think about taking pictures of it at the scene, but I was just grateful to be in one piece. I was on I-15 in SLC when the car to my right tried to make a lane change into my lane. I swerved so she wouldn't hit me and in doing so lost control and slid into the HOV lane. From there I over-corrected and began sliding right. The woman who tried to change lanes hit me from behind and sent me sailing head-on into the cement retaining wall on the right hand side of the road. Then, the impact from the barrade bounced me back into the middle of the freeway facing on-coming traffic. Whewww!!!! What a wild ride!

I think the scariest part of the whole thing was seeing the cars headed toward me 70 MPH. I remember thinking, "Maybe I should get out..." Probably a good thing I didn't. There happened to be a man hauling port-a-potties behind me who saw the accident and who came running to my car. I will never forget him lifting up the airbag on the passenger's side and asking me if I was alive. Boy, I really never dreamed that I man hauling traveling lous would come to my rescue. That's not something they typically write in the storybooks!

I am so glad that Brykn wasn't with me. The bulk of the damage to the 2006 Honda Accord was sustained on his side. One good thing, though is that his car seat didn't move. In fact, the UHP trooper couldn't even get it out of the car.

I held my composure pretty well until I heard Brandon's voice. Then, I lost it. And, when we told Brykn I crashed the car all he could ask me was if I had hit a bus.

Thank goodness I'm okay and thank goodness for the luck that this accident happened AFTER I had dropped Brykn off. It's amazing how an accident can change your perspective. Suddenly, after my wild ride, my errand I was running didn't seem all that importnat after all.


Grandma Sally said...

I am so very greatful the out come is but only a crashed car! They are just pieces of metal that get us from here to there. Your so very special to me, you make my son's world go round and a very happy man not to mention being the best little mother in the whole world. We couldn't imagine the world without you in it!!! Now the little repairs made to the trunk by your very own little helper will be nothing but a sweet memory LOL!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Tiff! I had no idea!!! I'm glad to hear you're okay and that Brykn wasn't in the car with you! "Houston" no more problems!

Leisha said...

Wow Tiff...that's pretty scary. It's amazing that we can even be thankful for these kinds of events to put everything back into perspective.