Sunday, March 17, 2013

Christmas 2012!

We had a super fun Christmas this year. Harlee understood the concept of Santa and Brykn is still in full "believe" mode. I never want these days to end. They are so fun and the kids are so precious. As they grow up, I hope they never lose the feel of a magical Christmas we've tried so hard to give them. We don't shower them with priceless gifts, but we've tried really hard to make sure they remember fun, happy Christmas traditions.

You are my world, kiddos. My whole world.

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Breakfast with Santa

What a fun tradition! Santa invited us to his breakfast this year and we couldn't have had a better time! Brykn's wanted to talk to Santa about the possibility of Santa bringing him a four-wheeler, a bow and arrow, and some frogs in an aquarium. Let me tell you, it was a VERY serious discussion....Harlee on the other had, only wanted a "talkin' baby." But, she was scared to pieces of Santa. However, Santa's helper seemed to help her calm down for a photo!

Writing his letter to Santa...

Really, does ANYBODY like Grinch?

Important cookie decorating...